In six weeks we have built a movement that is here to stay. 

In just six weeks we’ve seen the strength, determination and power of our movement.

In just six weeks we’ve seen the strength, determination and power of our movement.

Rishi Sunak’s early announcement of a general election came as a surprise, but it didn’t prevent us from building an unstoppable movement.

Following the announcement, teachers and parents all around the country rose to the challenge to share the truth about school funding and mobilise their communities.

There’s Claire, a headteacher in Milton Keynes who found the bravery to speak out about cuts and recently started speaking to the media. 

There’s Steve, who’s been campaigning on the Stop School Cuts campaign with his family at every election since 2017. He was out again this year, leafleting in his community in Devon. 

And Joanne, who has diligently campaigned at a different school every week in Poole, hanging banners and distributing leaflets with a team.  

That’s just a small example of the hundreds of thousands of parents and teachers around the country who care about stopping school cuts and have taken action. 

And the impacts have been tangible. Together, we’ve:

  • Distributed over 1.2 million leaflets in communities across England 
  • Hung over 350 banners in every corner of the country 
  • Reached over 2.4 million views through our films
  • Reached over 8 million people through targeted ads
  • Placed full page ads in 40 local papers

We’ve shown that regardless of what our political leaders say, we can and will reach millions of people with the truth about school funding. 

And we’re only just getting started.

The new Government should know that we’re not going anywhere. We won’t stop until the money is in our schools.

Keep up to date with the campaign and how you can get involved by joining our mailing list below.